My name is Albano Afonso Sibanda, born on february 27, 2004, in Chibabava district, Sofalaprovince. I have been a fellow at Doctors For Mozambique since 2022, having attended propaedeutic year in the some year(2022), first year of General Medicine in 2023, now i am attending second year of general Medicine, 2024.
Since my entry into the foundation and higher education, the experience has been good, I am learning a lot that I never imagined i would learn, socially as well as in academic life. I am very happy to have been able to spend the past years(propaedeutic and 1º year) without going to recurrence.
For the current year(2º year), I am making efforts to be able to pass with good gradas and without going to recurrence.
Finally, I thank all Doctors For Mozambique members for their help.
Hung from your young-boy Albano
Greetings to all members of Doctors For Mozambique
My name is Albano Afonso Sibanda, I was born on February 27, 2004 in Chibabava district, Sofala province.
First I want to thank all the DFM’s members, for all the support you are providing for me,
it help me to continue to face my studies. Since joining this association, I have learned a lot about relating to others and my life changed completely.
I had a good experience last year, and fortunately I managed to pass the propaedeutic year for the first year of medicine. I did not have a lot of academic problems. This year, first year of medicine, in first and second blocks I had many difficulties in adapting to new model of study, problem based learning, but I managed to improve. I am making every effort to
make everything go well throughout my studies.
Hugs from your student
Albano Afonso Sibanda
My name is Albano Afonso Sibanda, I was born on february 27, 2004 in chibabava distrit, sofala province. I
have father and mother both are low-income peasants for family support, I have four brothrs. I started
attending primary school in 2010, having moved to basic education in 2016 in Mangunde Secundary School,
in 2020 I went to high school, at the some school. During my studies, my unclo supported me, unfortunately
he lost his life in 2021, with his phisical disappearance it made it very difficult for me to finish my studies.
Now I am attending higher education at the Catolic University of Mozambique(UCM), faculity of health
sciences with the help of Docters For Mozambique Foundation. Thanks to DFM for taking me and for all your
support for my academic training.
Hugs to all members Docters For Mozambique(DFM).