I am Arone Leonardo Fabião, medical student- 4th year in current year (2024). First of all would like to thank God for life, DFM for the opportunities that you gave me to do this course, in especial to Dr. Harry and Dr Gitta by your continuous following and my family by your support that have gave me day by day.
The 4th year started in 2023 on March and it will end on March of the current year. In general, the year is being productive and I am learning so much. It include many contents discoursed on blocks, many practices including the University clinic where we are attending both children’s as adults to improve our abilities. The first semester was little challenge in the first two blocks, the other were accessible but studding hard I got good results in both of them. The second semester is composed by only three blocks differently to the first, and until this time we did two exams and we didn’t get any result yet, but I’m sure that I will get good results, I am doing now the last block of the pre clinic phase, the transition of 4th year will allow me to be at hospital doing internship.
My greetings for DFM!!
Hello!! My name is Arone Leonardo Fabião, and I’m DFM’s member since 2019.
First of all, I would like to say that the last year (3rd of the course) was challenging and was so productive as all other, is the year that are introduced contents related to diseases, clinical practice, where we learned how to manage patients presenting different pathologies. I got good results even facing difficulties, I made it and I passed the 3rd year successfully.
It was a year with a lot of ups and downs, of much requirements, challenges but above all it, was a year of success. In this year (2023), I am in fourth year of the course and is being good, I am doing the first block, it is still starting, so that it’s early to say something about the year or about the contents that are discussed in this year but I hope that is going to be well, to finish, I just have to thank God for life, DFM for the opportunity, Doctors Harrie and Gitta for the help and guidance that they have been giving me in this path. I would like to extend my gratitude to my family for their support and encouragement each day.
My greetings for DFM, Thank you very much!
Arone Leonardo Fabião
My name is Arone Leonardo Fabião, I am 20 years old, I come from Inhambane province, Govuro district and I’m DFM’s member since 2019.
First of all I would like to thank again to DFM for the opportunity that you gave me to make part of this family. The 2nd year of medicine was good, I learned a lot although the difficulties during the route I passed with good results. It was a year that started with presential lessons but in the middle of second block (block 2.2) we changed the modality to online because of rapid increasing of cases of COVID-19. In this period, I had many difficulties to study because the devices that I was using for the studies were damaged and was a difficult phase that I faced which influenced negatively in my studies as well as in results but when we returned to the presential classes, I tried to cash up with the contents and it was possible even with many difficulties, I made it and I passed the 2nd year successfully.
It was a year with lot of ups and downs, of much requirements, challenges but above all it, was a year of success. In this year (2022), I am in 3rd year of the course and is being a challenge but I hope one day to finish and make difference in the society. I just have to thank God for life, DFM for the opportunity, Doctors Harrie and Gitta for the help and guidance that they have been giving me in this path. I would like to extend my gratitude to my family for their support and encouragement each day.
My greetings for DFM, Thank you very much!
Arone Leonardo Fabião
Greetings!! My name is Arone Leonardo Fabião, DFM’s member. First, I thank you for the trust and the chance that DFM gave me to do this course (medicine). In the last year (2020) I was in first year, now (2021) I’m in the second year of the course. About the last year, I have to say that it was an interesting year, it had many good and useful contents which were related to human anatomy and physiology and some frequents diseases related to the bloc that we were doing. The results of exams were positive despite some marks weren’t high in some blocs but I got enough marks to pass. It was very difficult to get those results in that condition (pandemic), which affected negatively my student life because the lessons passed from face-to-face to online mode, and I had to go home (Gouvuro district, inhambane province), there is no good conditions to study because of bad internet connection and I don’t have a mobile that support the pattern apps that the faculty suggested to use to get lessons, in addition, the cost of internet and lack of studying materials; as consequence I lost many lectures and tutorials which decreased the assimilation and the comprehension of some contents, also it was a bit difficult to study at home. After 6 months, we went back to face-to-face mode and we had time to revise the activities that we were having in online mode, but the time that they gave us wasn’t enough to study all contents that were missing to recover all activities. As a consequence I faced many problems in exams but I did my best. I tried to improve during the time that we were recovering the activities and I passed all exams. Now (2021) I am in the second year and I hope to improve in some aspects and study hard to get good results until the end of the year and to keep on with your help.
I am grateful to DFM!!!
Arone Leoanardo Fabiao
My name is Arone Leonardo Fabião, I was born in Inhambane (Nova-Mambone), son of Leonardo Fabião and Cacilda Jeremias Massingue, I’m 19 years hold. First of all I to say that I’m so happy because I passed the propaedeutic year the “selection year-in 2019” it means that I’m able and I have capabilities to do this course. I passed but during that year I faced many difficulties because of methods of learning which is used in this faculty but anyway I was able to insert myself on this way… And another thing which affected seriously my process of learning was the cyclone IDAE which damaged and destroyed many things as infrastructure, houses, shops, hospitals including our faculty but despite of everything, in few days the faculty was able to create the minimums conditions to keep us studying although with some difficulties obviously.
But even with difficulties it was possible to be done, I passed and I’m so happy because of this and now “2020” I’m doing my first year of medicine. I overcame the difficulties thanks to DFM that helped me in almost everything that I needed in that year even in alimentation or financially what affected positively on my studies, on my life in general. And the objective is to reach the last year and maybe a specialty.
I hope that I Will do it and I believe that I Will be able to do it because I’m studding in good faculty which is some of the best in Mozambique and is internationally recognized by her good quality of learning, innovation And professionalism with the best lectures, good professional Doctors with a lot of experience.
And finally I thank God for everything that He has made for me… I believe that I Will be a good Doctor Who Will be able to work anywhere with anyone, I hope that. And thanks for everything that you have done for me. My greetings.