Tomás da Cruz David

Tomás da Cruz David

2024 My name is Tomás DA cruz David. I was born on May 7/2005 in Machanga district,but I grew up in Chibabava. My father has got two wives. He has got nine children. He has got five children with my mother and four children with another wife, my stepmother. I have got...
Pita Luis Foholo

Pita Luis Foholo

2024 Hello my name is Pita Luís S. Foholo, I was born on November 30, 2004 in the district of Gorongosa. My Father married my Mother as his second wife and has 4 children and they separated in 2013. I grew up with my Mother where they took me to school in 2012. I did...
Juma Jaime Taimo

Juma Jaime Taimo

2024 I’m Juma Jamie Taimo, I was born on October 19, 2005, in Vanduzi district, Manica province. I live with my mother and my brother who precedes me. My parents have been separated since 2011 before I started school. I grew up with my mother and when I started...
Eva Alberto Guidione

Eva Alberto Guidione

2024 Greetings to all members of the Doctors for Mozambique foundation I am Eva Alberto Guidione, born in Chimoio, Daughter of Alberto Guidione and Flora António. I have 5 maternal brothers and 10 paternal brothers, my father had 6 wives, currently there are 3. My...
Erica Elias Vanâncio

Erica Elias Vanâncio

2024 Greetings to all members of the board of Doctors for Mozambique foundation My name is ÉRICA ELIAS VENÂNCIO, I was born on March 3, 2006 in the city of Chimoio and I have lived there since then. Firstly, I would like to thank DfM together with APESMO, because...