Your support
You can help us by making financial contributions. Every donation, however large or small, is very welcome. You can transfer your gift to our bank account with Rabobank Dommelstreek or you can complete a form if you wish to make regular donations.
Bank account number: IBAN: NL 19 RABO 0126 8285 71
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 17223128
ANBI number: 56746
If you are willing to donate the same amount each year for a minimum of 5 years, you can arrange for those donations to be fully tax deductible.
Donations made via an Overeenkomst periodieke gift in geld (Agreement to make periodic gifts) offer you financial benefits and also increases the amount of support our project receives. The only requirement is that you and a representative of the Foundation sign an agreement form. In the agreement, you undertake to donate the same amount each year for a minimum of 5 years.
You decide to donate € 1,000 per year. You may claim back the tax payable on this amount.
The tax authorities ‘pay’ the tax at the rate that applies to you (max. 52%). So your gift actually costs you significantly less than € 1,000 (net) per year! This tax deduction is not subject to the threshold for gifts, since it has been fixed in an agreement. Please note: the amount you donate each year does not necessarily have to be paid in one annual instalment. You can opt to pay quarterly or monthly instead.
What you need to do to sign up for the above form of giving:
- Download the information folder from the tax authorities website (Dutch only): complete the form;
• You (and your spouse / registered partner, where relevant) sign the form;
• Send the form to:
Doctors for Mozambique Stichting, Zwanenstuck 20, 5673 KV Nuenen
• The Foundation will register the form, give it an administrative number and sign it.
- The Foundation will then send you the signed form for your own records. You may be asked to show the form to the tax authorities in order to qualify for full tax deduction.
To make this as straightforward as possible for you, we can, if you wish, complete the form on your behalf and send it to you for your signature. In that case, we will need your details (and those of your partner, where relevant) as requested on the form, and the amount you wish to donate. You can send this information to:
or send a letter to:
Doctors for Mozambique Stichting
Zwanenstuck 20
5673 KV Nuenen
You can also use the above email address if you have questions.