I’m Juma Jamie Taimo, I was born on October 19, 2005, in Vanduzi district, Manica province.
I live with my mother and my brother who precedes me. My parents have been separated since 2011 before I started school. I grew up with my mother and when I started studying she had difficulties, she was unable to help me with school needs, but she was struggling and with small expenses that my father made, she was able to keep me studying until in 2014 when I was doing the 3rd class I was welcomed by the “THE BIG HAND” project that helped me a lot in school with school needs and others, from elementary school to high school. So I thank God for doing these wonder things in my life. So I finished high school with significant pedagogical success.
I start by thanking all members of DFM for having brought me this opportunity to study General Medicine, this year is the beginning, the propedeutic year.