Hello my name is Pita Luís S. Foholo, I was born on November 30, 2004 in the district of Gorongosa. My Father married my Mother as his second wife and has 4 children and they separated in 2013. I grew up with my Mother where they took me to school in 2012. I did 1st to 7th grade at the complete primary school in Mapombué with good pedagogical performance where I was welcomed into the food for the hungry project, where I received school material to continue with my studies. My Mother is a peasant and didn’t have money for me to continue studying in secondary school. I was helped and I completed 8th to 12th grade, at Cristo Rei Secondary school in Gorongosa also with good pedagogical result. I was selected as a scholarship student at UCM, so I give millions of thanks to the DFM project. This year I am in is the preparatory year in general medicine, God with me until 7 years.