I´m student at the Catholic University of Mozambique-Beira, I´m in the 2nd years of general medicine.
Firstly, I would like to thank DFM for the help it offers me. Next, I would like to say that: I´m very happy with for performance in last year 2023, that I attended my 1st year of the course I managed to adapt to the new teaching method, during the year I acquired knowledge and experience and was
With nothing more to say, just say that: I´m very grateful to all the DFM members/family for the love and help they offers. This year 2024, in my 2nd year, I will do my best in my academic performance, I hope it will be a good year.
My greeting to all the Doctors off Mozambique (DFM)
My name is Enock António Muchanga
The Mozambique Catholic University adopted, in its curriculum. A year ago I started the studies off the medical course at this university, apparently its was the year of previous preparation off the content who can start witch a same of what they will face during the medical course.
It was a pleasure to be in the propaedeutic year (in 2022) for first year time in the quality of the future doctor. During this year we acquired a lot off knowledge and experience off studies and I
developed the skills to manage mu routine. Who helped me during the course and also in the preparation of my academic life. It was a vocation education during the year.
In this year of 2023, I am in the 1st of the course with the new challenges, I hope it will be good year for me and for all brother.
Thank you all for you gratitude for the help me are offering us.2022.
APESMO) My name is Enock António Muchanga, was born on November 12, 2002, in the
district of Mossurize, province of Manica. Son of António Muchanga and Jane Macuiana. I have
not father, he died in 2020, I only stayed with mother and two Brothers. My mother is a peasant,
she cultivates only to have food to survive. First of all, I would like to thank the DFM
(APESMO) group for its commitment to everything it has done to me since February, to help me
follow my dream. Since I joined, I have been one of the new members of the group. My life took
a new turn and changed completely in relation to the life I lived before. I am having new
experiences with all members of the DFM family (APESMO)and I’m figuring out a good way to
survive with a big family and also in academic achievement.